A total of 255 students responded to the survey. 56% of those who responded were 2LD/3LEs and 44% were 3LD/4LE students.
Type of Employment
The majority of students who responded worked in a legal job this past summer.
- 81% worked in a legal job.
- 3% worked in a non-legal job.
- 9% participated in a summer abroad program.
- 2% took classes.
- 5% did not work.
How did students find employment?
Most students found their job through informal means, either through networking or self-initiated contact. Many students also found employment through the CSO JobNet!
- 31% found their job through the CSO JobNet or other job site.
- 24 % found their job through a referral by a friend, family member or colleague.
- 11% found their job through self-initiated contact or networking.
- 10% obtained summer employment through a job fair or on-campus interview.
- 8% returned to a previous employer.
Where did students work this summer?
- 60% worked in Massachusetts.
- 31% worked out of state.
- 9% worked abroad and/or participated in study abroad program.
Below are just a few of the law firms and organizations who hired New England Law students this past summer.
Bingham McCutchen
Cellai Law Offices, P.C.
Correia-Champa & Mailhot
Federal Defenders Office
Manhattan Legal Services
Office of Bar Counsel
Parker Scheer, LLP
Suffolk County District Attorney's Office
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Massachusetts Superior Court
Morrison Mahoney LLP
Rhode Island Attorney General's Office
Shelter Legal Services
U.S.Air Force JAG Corps
U.S. Army JAG Corps
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Wiggin & Nourie
Are you searching for a summer job?
Attend the 2LD/3LE Summer Job Search Program! Monday, September 28th, 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Room 507. To RSVP, email the CSO.