Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL) has posted a four-part series on their blog on how to deal with stress caused by job loss. The series covers three helpful steps towards coping with stress: shifting one's perception, using time to your advantage, and accepting help, giving help.
LCL is the sole lawyer assistance program in Massachusetts exclusively dedicated to helping with the many personal and professional issues of life in the law. Since 1978, they have been the only confidential counseling and referral resource for Massachusetts law students, lawyers and judges and their families.
Currently, the organization has created a Layoff Support Group which meets twice monthly at LCL and has speakers on a host of career development topics which range from networking and refining your resume, to putting together a career development plan and improving your marketability. Like everything else at LCL, it’s free and confidential.
For further reading:
Coping Mechanisms for Dealing with Stress in the Wake, or in Fear, of Job Loss (4-Part Series)
Lawyer Assistance Programs Outside of Massachusetts

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